Hello! Today I have on my favorite leather jacket that I'm always wearing haha. You can check out more looks on how to style this leather jacket. Or just get some ideas on what to style it, on my older posts. So I don't really have to go into detail :) Second I'm wearing this cropped fuzzy jumper from MinkPink with little colored pebbles,its so soft! It doesn't look cropped at all because I'm wearing my high wasted BDG jeans from Urban Outfitters. As for my belt its from Forever 21. Shoes are from..... guess? wait for it !!!! VAGABONDS haha ugh how I love this brand !!! Second to last for my purse its from Urban Renewal. This purse has been my purse of the week really. It has enough space for my camera so that's always a plus! Lastly I'm wearing one of my FAVORITE chocker at the moment, I'll probably be wearing this chocker for like weeks >,<. That's how much I love it. This is from a Flea market in Brooklyn weekends only. I'll put all the info at the bottom. Yes when I saw this chocker I was like OMG I have to have it. It also came in more different colors eyes. Mines is green, they have blue in stores. Online they have green and grey, also they carry necklaces and cool awesome looking rings! I cant wait to go back and buy more jewelry.
Little back story, I wore this outfit just for a casual day in the city. Went to watch Paranormal Activity the Ghost Dimension. In my opinion the Paranormal Activity is basically the same thing going on in every movie. Well is about the Paranormal hahaha and I wont lie it makes me jump all the TIME!!! (SPOLIER) In this movie the only different thing is that the witches want to bring Toby in to a human body, in order to do so they need Leila's blood. In the end he does come back as a human. SO we'll probably see another Paranormal movie coming out in a few years. I'm curious to know what happens to Toby and if someone is able to stop him. But overall it was a pretty good movie. Got me jumping all the time PLUS since it was 3D. If another movie comes out, I would watch it.
That was my outfit of the day! hope you guys enjoy reading a little bit more on my day. if you guys like this place let me know :) Have a good Friday guys!!! Stay warm!
Members Only Pebbled Vegan Leather Jacket -
http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?id=32618449&parentid=SUGGESTIVE+SEARCH+RESULTS&q=members on
Vagabond Norah Shoes -
Single Eye Chocker -
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